A Letter to My 16 Year Old Self

Hey there you,

You look great.

No, really, you do.

Please stop thinking you don’t.

I’m keeping this simple but I need you to listen very carefully and remember it all. I’m offering you the wisdom that 10 years will give you. A decade. Jesus.


2. No, you don’t have love handles, those will come later and you will regret every moment you spent looking in a mirror at your flat stomach.

3. Sex will turn out not to be as big a deal as you thought it would be; but don’t underestimate the power of it.

5. There is a big difference between sex and love. You’ll have one without the other and both at the same time, just be careful not to confuse the two.

6. See that guy over there? The one people have labelled as weird and strange? Go talk to him, he’s interesting and great.

7. You know how you want to travel? And that’s all you really want to do? Do it. By the time you’re 25 and more travelled than most people you know you will thank me.

8. Travel wide and travel far, but even more importantly MOVE to another country; the perspective you will gain will be invaluable.

9. Follow your instincts. Always. It sounds obvious, but it’s not. The only regrets you will have will be when you didn’t do this.

10. Move to New York.

Reminiscing you,

n ovemeber y ankee c harlie

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