The season previously known as Winter

I’m currently in the middle of a New York Winter coming straight off the back of a Melbourne Winter. Endless Winter. Great planning on my behalf. I’ve been cold for the better part of a YEAR. Not to mention pale. Pale doesn’t even begin to describe the shade my skin has adopted. It really isn’t acceptable to be a pale Australian in January. It hasn’t helped that I decided to come here just in time for the coldest Winter in New York in over a decade. Winning. It has taken on such proportions that the term ‘Winter’ no longer applies,…

The Beginning.

Where do I begin? I hate starting things. Essays in particular. And now blog posts it would seem. I find that it requires too much thought and as a result comes across as manufactured and polished. The fact that I have always been the person that rolls their eyes when someone refers to “their blog” is making this all the more cringe worthy for me to begin. I simply shook my head when I was told that it would look good for my resume. I laughed out loud when a friend suggested using the format for an assignment at uni. However…